We believe that the most important aspect of implementing a landscape project is the site preparation. It is during this phase in which the foundation of the landscape is set; if it is done poorly the landscape will struggle, but when done well it will flourish!
Our experienced crews will begin by implementing any applicable storm water management plans or conditions required from the local Conservation Commission. We then lay out all of the proposed landscape elements to be built according to the design and make sure that they fit the intent of the client or designer. Dissatisfactory components of any existing landscape are removed and processed by type, then taken to the proper facility for recycling. The topsoil is then removed from the work area and if there is adequate room on-site we will stockpile it for screening and reuse. Otherwise the material will be hauled off site and stockpiled for processing and recycling. Detailed grading of the site then begins and the proper cuts and fills are made to accommodate the new layout. Emphasis is put on preparing the base for driveway, walkway, patio and other structural components such as stonewalls, pool, tennis court or accessory building. Trenching is done to accommodate proposed utility lines and finally the site is graded to assure the proper drainage of water away from any structures and allow for adequate soil depth in planting beds.
Our attention is then re-focused on storm water management as the result of the changes which may have taken place. We offer a sustainable approach to dealing with rainwater and run-off generated from the site and can offer simple solutions to return this water into the ground as well as a more comprehensive approach that offers compensatory underground storage so that the water may be reused for an irrigation system or water feature.
At Jeffreys Creek, we have the equipment, knowledge, manpower, and artistic eye to carefully complete this important aspect of your project. Because we have control over what we are creating and are ultimately responsible for it, we can assure a higher quality outcome. It also means the project will be completed more quickly and efficiently because we schedule our own crews, eliminating delays and inconsistencies found when using multiple firms.
Our full fleet of compact and mid-size equipment is perfect for tight working conditions, specialized in grading and landforms with extensive use of boulders and granite features. By choosing us to do your site preparation, you can be assured that the job will be done as quickly and efficiently as possible.
Excavation, stump removal, site preparation, water & sewer connections & repairs, septic systems, trenching for gas, electric and other underground utilities, detailed sub-grade preparation for landscape construction, drainage systems, driveways, topsoil, screening of materials on-site, licensed septic installers in Manchester and Essex, loam, gravel and stone products delivered.
Please check out our sample gallery below, or for more photos visit our Portfolio page. You can also schedule a Complimentary One-Hour Consultation today!